The Student Hotel
/ Brand Strategy / Brand Identity / GuidelinesFrom 2014 I’ve been serving The Student Hotel as the main Creative Lead and managed the in-house brand studio, internal stakeholders, external agencies and freelancers.
The Student Hotel (TSH) it’s where people come together to live, learn, work and play. It includes people from all walks of life with an open mind, curious by nature. Everybody with a student spirit.
I’ve defined Brand Strategy and Creative Direction, across all media and shaped the communication based on:
BRAND VISION - Everybody with a student spirit should feel inspired to explore their purpose and change the world.
BRAND MISSION - We’re creating a complete connected community, where the curious by nature come together to make a difference.
BRAND ACTION - We build physical, digital and cultural spaces that inspire; where people learn, stay, work and play, growing through shared experiences and stories.
I’ve defined Brand Strategy and Creative Direction, across all media and shaped the communication based on:
BRAND VISION - Everybody with a student spirit should feel inspired to explore their purpose and change the world.
BRAND MISSION - We’re creating a complete connected community, where the curious by nature come together to make a difference.
BRAND ACTION - We build physical, digital and cultural spaces that inspire; where people learn, stay, work and play, growing through shared experiences and stories.
The Student Hotel Manifesto
We’ve established values that define The Student Hotel.
The Student Hotel is OPEN (inclusive, approachable and never judge), CURIOUS (believe in lifelong learning), FUN (play with a wink and never take life too seriously), UNFINISHED (always work-in-progress and encourage learning from failure), CONSCIOUS (by making responsible, purposeful decisions that have a positive impact on people and places) and ENTREPRENEURIAL (take the initiative, challenge the status quo and question things).
The Student Hotel Complete Connected Community
We’ve designed a map representing every space and type of individuals to represent what TSH stands for, and its offer.
Each space and individuals are designed to represent all the different types of personalities and iteractions between guests, co-livers, employees and the space.
The map represents the Complete Connected Community in full, where people from different age and background share spaces, ideas and experience.
The map represents the Complete Connected Community in full, where people from different age and background share spaces, ideas and experience.

The Complete Connected Community Map
In 2019 we’ve launched a disruptive project with a statue of a naked Donald Trump to collect data on people’s reaction.
We kicked off this installation during the Berlin hotel opening where we’ve been able to collect +3000 reactions in one day.
Everyone was able to fill in their personal input, using their social media profile, via the screen on the side of the installation. Once done, the input starts to appear on the big screen together with the other messages.
Everyone was able to fill in their personal input, using their social media profile, via the screen on the side of the installation. Once done, the input starts to appear on the big screen together with the other messages.

Website & App
/ thestudenthotel.comThe Student Hotel new website is designed in order to engage the user by creating a full experience of what to expect by booking a room, a co-working space, a meeting room or a table at the restaurant.
It has an approach based on the look and feel which is representing the space itself, but with a sales driven direction.
As it serves different purposes the flow of the website is meant to guide the user trough a customised Geo-located experience based on the specs of the research. It combines different technologies that pull different information based on the user behavior.
The website is getting also the support of its own and custom designed booking engine that help the user to identify their needs and propose the perfect solution.
As it serves different purposes the flow of the website is meant to guide the user trough a customised Geo-located experience based on the specs of the research. It combines different technologies that pull different information based on the user behavior.
The website is getting also the support of its own and custom designed booking engine that help the user to identify their needs and propose the perfect solution.
The Student Hotel Website
The Student Hotel App has been designed to bring all different tribes together on a digital platform.
The Student Hotel App is a new technology piece that adds an extra thinking to the brand in terms of experience to create a complete connected community.
The app is the key to get access to the full TSH experience independently by the type of user/guest: student, business traveller, hotel guest, co-worker, restaurant guest, local, employee.
The app is the key to get access to the full TSH experience independently by the type of user/guest: student, business traveller, hotel guest, co-worker, restaurant guest, local, employee.
The Student Hotel App
TSH Collab
/ Brand Strategy / Identity / Guidelines //
TSH Collab is the co-working space owned by The Student Hotel and if follows the same principles.
TSH Collab speak to locals start-uppers and entreperneurs. Its identity has been designed to attract the professionals in a clean and simple way, by putting at the centre of the attention the comminity made by its own members. The photography style is designed to engage the user and it’s is own distinctive approach.
TSH Collab Website